Monday, November 3, 2008


I chose this word because this word could find easily in newspaper.
"Automakers Report Grim October Sales"


adj., grim·mer, grim·mest.
  1. Unrelenting; rigid.
  2. Uninviting or unnerving in aspect; forbidding: “undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw” (J.M. Barrie).
  3. Ghastly; sinister: “He made a grim jest at the horrifying nature of his wound” (Reginald Pound). See synonyms at ghastly.
  4. Dismal; gloomy: a grim, rainy day.
  5. Ferocious; savage: the grim advance of the pillaging army.
Ex) The news about cancer is not entirely grim.
       It's not just a grim business.

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