Thursday, November 20, 2008


"Wallace Shawn on 'Gossip Girl'? It's not inconceivable."

I saw this sentence just a few minute ago on the arts section in the new york times.

in·con·ceiv·a·ble (ĭn'kən-sē'və-bəl) Pronunciation Key

1. Impossible to comprehend or grasp fully: inconceivable folly; an inconceivable disaster.

2. So unlikely or surprising as to have been thought impossible; unbelievable: an inconceivable victory against all odds.

EX) My country's currency rate is rapidly going up, it's inconceivable.
Sometimes, I feel inconceivable because before few years ago I could not imagine that I could come to U.S.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Very good points.

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